Posted by      24/09/2024 00:00:00    Comments 0

Restorative yoga is a very gentle practice aimed at deeply relaxing the nervous system. It works with and through the body to release the deepest psychophysical tensions.

The foundations of this practice are stillness, comfort, darkness, and silence—understood not as the absence of noise, but as the absence of mental agitation.

Restorative yoga sessions begin with a few moments of inward focus through the observation of full breathing.

Gradually, the session moves towards the restorative practice, which is carried out through gentle, passive, kind, and relaxed postures. These help to release the body and all muscle chains, renewing the mind and modifying the self-demanding patterns to which we are often accustomed without realising.

To make the yoga postures more comfortable and accessible to everyone, props such as blankets, cork or foam blocks, and cushions of various shapes and sizes are used: zafus (meditation cushions) and bolsters (elongated cushions), either round or rectangular, and filled with different materials such as buckwheat hulls, which adapt very well to all body types, or kapok fibre, which is more compact and provides solid and secure support. Accessories like yoga straps also help to reach postures comfortably and integrate them.

The postures are held for several minutes, allowing for deep internal relaxation, which brings great well-being.

Restorative yoga helps regulate blood pressure, release tension, and promotes a restorative sleep, something that is often difficult to achieve if life brings high levels of stress.

We highly encourage you to discover this rejuvenating practice.

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