Yoga dinámico, Godfrey Devereux

VAT included

Dynamic Yoga, a style of yoga, integrates, in a unique combination of postures, physical and mental training, its sequence of scientifically conceived postures will allow you to reach the maximum of your physical and mental possibilities.


ISBN: 978-84-7902-299-0
Referencia: 500184
Editorial: Tutor
Encuadernación: Rústica
Nº páginas: 272
Formato: 19,5 x 23 cm
Precio sin IVA: 22.12 €
Precio con IVA: 23.00 €

Estoc: 2 Items

The perfectly concatenated sequences of exercises are performed in conjunction with dynamic breathing; This generates a very deep body heat that allows you to develop power, flexibility, resistance, concentration and intuition, and achieve a state of vigilant relaxation. Each of the nine practice sequences is illustrated step by step with photographs showing the correct and safe way to perform the movements to get into the poses.

Godfrey Devereux

Godfrey Devereux has been a Yoga teacher since 1989, author of several books on this discipline and creator of the Dynamic Yoga method. He was Director of Yoga at The Life Center in Kensington (London) and currently runs a Yoga Training Center.