Lota nasal or Neti Pot Porcelain

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Lota or Neti Pot in a traditional way that guarantees the perfect flow to optimally clean the nostrils. Porcelain is more solid than ceramics, all whilst being more enjoyable to use for practising the Jala Neti.

Estoc: 4 Items

Benefits of Jala Neti (Nasal Cleaning with Water)

  • Neti helps to maintain nasal hygiene by removing the dirt
    and bacteria trapped along with the mucus in the nostrils.
  • Neti de-sensitizes the sensitive tissues inside the nose, which can alleviate rhinitis, allergies and some asthma.
  • Several health problems like sinusitis, migraine, headaches, ear problems like tinnitus and middle ear infections can be reduced by doing Neti.
  • It can alleviate upper respiratory complaints, sore throats, tonsils and dry coughs.
  • It can clear the eye ducts and improve vision.
  • Effect of Neti on the mind is also notable. It can remove tensions and depressions.

How to use a Neti pot?

We advise using your neti pot in surveillance of a professional for the first time. Here are some set of instructions to use the Neti Pot correctly:

  • Tilt your head sideways over the sink.
  • Place the spout of the neti pot in the upper nostril.
  • Remember to breathe through your open mouth.
  • Gently pour the saltwater solution into your upper nostril.
  • Let the liquid drains through the lower nostril.
  • Repeat the other side.

It can be cleaned, disinfected, sterilised, or quite simply cleaned in a dishwasher without any problem. The Porcelin Neti Pot is not microwavable.