Trance y memoria en el budismo y el Yoga

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This book is about human beings who claim to have been birds and fish in past lives, meditators who describe how they made the transition from life to non-death, thinkers convinced that if we train the soul's gaze and turn it inward, we will remember our divine origin.

  • Autora: Raquel Ferrández Formoso
  • ISBN: 9788499889900
  • Páginas: 304
  • Tamaño: 13 X 20
  • Editorial: Kairos

Estoc: 1 Item

Relating the way of life that ancient Buddhism proposes to us and the asceticism outlined in Patañjali's Yogasutra, the importance of the practitioner's bodily memory comes to light. The author reviews some "Buddhist" aphorisms from Patañjali's yoga, and also the Buddhist legacy reflected in some of the comments that accompany the aphorisms. Other equally important issues are lucidly addressed: the memory of past lives, the meditative trance, and the practitioner's relationship with his own body, with happiness or with suicide.